Friday November 16th 8:30am – 12:30pm

SC12, Salt Lake City, Utah.

workshop Agenda

Invited Speakers

Mark Parsons, CRESTA

Title: CRESTA: Collaborative Research into Exascale Systemware, Tools and Applications

Dana Knoll, LANL

Title: CoCoMANS: Computational Co-design for Multi-scale Applications in the Natural Sciences

Giovanni Lapenta, KU Leuven

Title: Codesign effort centred on space weather

AccEPTED Talks

Title: InifinBand CORE-Direct and Dynamically Connected Transport Service: A Hardware-Application Co-Design Case Study

Authors: Noam Bloch, Richard Graham, Gilad Shainer, Todd Wilde Mellanox Technologies


Title: Enabling In-situ Pre- and Post-Processing for Exascale Hemodynamic Simulations - A Co-Design Study with the Sparse Geometry Lattice Boltzmann Code HemeLB

Authors: Fang Chen*, Markus Flatken*, Achim Basermann*, Andreas Gerndt*, James Hetherington⁺, Timm Krüger⁺, Gregor Matura⁺, Rupert Nash⁺

*German Aerospace Center (DLR), ⁺University College London


Title: Communication Performance Analysis of CRESTA’s Co-Design Applications NEK5000

Authors: Michael Schliephake and Erwin Laure, SeRC-Swedish e-Science Research Center and PDC Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden


Title: A PGAS implementation by co-design of the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System (IFS)

Authors: George Mozdzynski*, Mats Hamrud*, Nils Wedi1, Jens Doleschal, TUD, and Harvey Richardson, CRAY


Background to the workshop

The International Exascale Software Project (IESP) recognised the importance of co-design vehicles within the exascale software design and development process .They noted that "Co-Design Vehicles (CDVs) are applications that provide targets for, and feedback to, the software research, design and development efforts in the IESP. Although the IESP has now concluded it is more important than ever that we continue to discuss, share and develop our joint knowledge around the exascale challenge. CDVs are required because there are several possible paths to exascale with many associated design choices along the way." One of the most successful examples of co-design is from Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), with projects/systems such as QCDSP, QCDOC (with the resulting influence on IBM's BlueGene), APE and CP-PACS demonstrating this success. However the breadth of communities engaged in co-design activities has increased with the move towards exascale and now include communities such as fusion, computational fluid dynamics and climate. The workshop proposers are partners in the EC funded Collaborative Research into Exascale Systemware, Tools and Applications project (CRESTA), which focuses on the use of six applications with exascale potential and uses them as co-design vehicles to develop the appropriate underlying exascale software. The project has focused on developing a novel integrated co-design process, the co-design applications providing guidance and feedback to the exascale software development process and integrating and benefitting from this development.

By bringing together application scientists, software developers, hardware designers and numerical experts engaged in co-design, the workshop organisers wish to share research and practical experiences in this area and highlight best practice techniques.

Expected outcomes from the workshop

On completion of the workshop the organisers anticipate the following outcomes for the attendees from the international exascale community:

• A knowledge of the breadth of application area participating in co-design for exascale;

• An understanding of the challenges and benefits of the co-design approach;

• An overview of latest research and best practice in the implementation and execution of co-design.

In addition, the organisers anticipate that the workshop will increase the visibility and provide insight into the co-design process for the whole HPC community, not just those who can attend the workshop, mainly through the publication of the workshop proceedings.

Workshop organisers

Dr Mark Parsons, EPCC, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Dr Lorna Smith, EPCC, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Dr Achim Basermann, DLR, Germany

Dr Bastian Koller, HLRS, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Dr Stefano Markidis, KTH, Sweden

Prof. Frédéric Magoulès, CRSA, France

Mikko Byckling, CSC, Finland

Katie Urquhart, EPCC, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Call for Abstracts

The call for abstracts is now closed.  Thanks to everyone who has submitted. 

Further Information on the call