Achieving all four of CRESTA’s objectives has had significant socioeconomic impact.
Socio-economic impact of the co-design applications
Each of the applications in CRESTA resulted in a strong socio-economic impact and the developments carried out in CRESTA have significantly increased this impact. A key deliverable within CRESTA was the development of exascale appropriate scientific exemplars to showcase this impact. In addition, CRESTA published a series of videos to disseminate this impact widely.
Socio-economic impact and sustainability of the software collection
The software collection has been designed with the co-design applications as drivers. CRESTA’s software is designed and enhanced to exploit future exascale platforms and also show significant benefit on current petascale resources. These outputs are therefore of benefit to the wider HPC community, with the potential to make impact across a broad range of HPC applications. CRESTA has provided a tailored set of workshops and training courses to promote uptake and increase impact. All the software will be supported beyond the project. The software is accessible via the CRESTA web site, with suitable links and to existing source code repositories or the public CRESTA repository.
The CRESTA research portfolio
CRESTA has delivered a research portfolio that consists of a significant body of research work aimed at preparing applications and systemware for use on exascale systems. As with the software collection, much of the socio-economic impact described above for the co-design applications could not be achieved without this research portfolio. A body of work has been completed of broader applicability to the exascale community and a series of best practice guides and state of the art reviews have been carried out. These provide broader impact to the full HPC community.
As one of the first practical co-design exascale projects, CRESTA’s experiences have the potential to impact on many future exascale projects. CRESTA has therefore strived (and will continue to do so) to disseminate these experiences to the HPC community. Highlights include a co-design workshop at SC, a series of co-design case studies, contribution to the EESI-2 co-design report and an anticipated poster presentation at EASC2015.